Provider Enrollment HomeĀ 

This site is for newly enrolling MO HealthNet providers. Effective July 1,2015,
institutional providers will have to submit an application fee and may require
a site visit before being approved as a new provider. Individual providers
such as physicians, dentists, advanced practice nurses and other individual
non-physician providers are not required to pay the application fee.
Click here for more information.

If you are already enrolled as a MO HealthNet provider and need to make a change like adding a practice location or changing your contact information, please complete a "Provider Update Request" and fax it to (573) 634-3105. If you have any questions submit them via e-mail to: .

If you are an existing MO HealthNet provider that is "Revalidating" your enrollment because you received notice from MMAC, please go to to complete and submit the revalidation application along with any supporting documentation to avoid any interruption in payments. If you do not have an eMOMED account, please go to and register for an account. Click here for more information.

MO HealthNet Provider Enrollment Guide

This Provider Enrollment Application site requires the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Instructions for each field of the MO HealthNet Enrollment Application are listed on the bottom bar of the screen, click the HELP link at the bottom of each part of the application for more detailed instructions. Click on the link Provider Enrollment Information at the top of this page for program requirements and attachments.

  • The entire enrollment application must be completed on-line.

  • A partial Enrollment Application may be saved and retrieved. However, all fields on the page must be completed in order to utilize the "save" option for that page. A PIN, NPI, Email, and SSN, or EIN is issued to retrieve the partial application. The PIN can be used to retrieve an application that has been finalized and submitted.

  • After finalizing an on-line application, ONLY the provider agreement "signature page" containing the provider's original (wet) signature and/or electronic signature from DocuSign, AdobeSign, or HelloSign and any program requirement attachments must be faxed. All pages must be in an upright position (not upside down or sideways).

  • The signature page and attachments must be submitted on separate pages in the same transmission, or the application will be denied. DO NOT SHRINK OR MINIMIZE PAGES to combine pages.

  • Fax the signature page and required attachments in one transmission to 573-634-3105. Faxed pages go directly to the Provider Enrollment database, not an actual fax machine. Only one signature page and its attachments are accepted per transmission.

  • In order for the agreement and attachments to be submitted in one transmission, you must make sure that each time a transmission is completed, the fax machine you are using not only finishes moving the pages through the machine, but has also finished the transmission and has disconnected from the fax number dialed.

  • Providers are required to print each page of their enrollment application and maintain for their records. This includes the original (wet) signed provider agreement and/or electronic signature from DocuSign, AdobeSign, or HelloSign. However, ONLY the provider agreement page and required attachments are required to be faxed.

  • An altered agreement is automatically denied. Fields cannot be blacked out, whited out, or crossed out; writing information on the forms is not acceptable. The only writing permitted on the form is the provider's original (wet) signature on the agreement page.

  • If the application completed on-line needs changes, a new on-line application must be completed and submitted. If additional information needs to be submitted, a letter may be sent with the signed agreement page.

  • Do not submit documentation that is not required for your provider type. Refer to the "Requirements for Each Provider Type" section to determine required attachments.

  • Effective July 1, 2015, newly enrolling institutional providers will be required to pay an application fee and may require a site visit before being approved. Click here for more information.

All questions regarding provider applications and general questions for Provider Enrollment must be communicated by e-mail to A valid e-mail address is required on your application. The contact person's e-mail address also should be completed on the Enrollment Application Part 2 along with the contact person's name. The contact person is notified of questions regarding the application.
If you have technical problems or problems faxing the documents, contact the Help Desk at 573-635-3559. Instructions on how to complete the application can be found by clicking the Help link at the bottom of each part of the application.